Norm Ullock
I am an amateur photographer and I live in Toronto, Canada  I enjoy creating images in all genres of photography and I often compete with my images.  Over the years I have won several awards with my images and have been Three times "Photographer of the Year" in my own camera club.  My current interest is trying to better understand how to better use light, colour and artistic techniques to improve my images to the next level.
I regularly speak & teach on various topics to help people who wish to become better photographers advance their own photographic skills and abilities
I am actively involved in volunteer work for the Provincial Council of Camera Clubs in Ontario, Canada I co-ordinate the management and training of a highly skilled group of competition photography  judges. Our goal is to assist member clubs to run photo competitions and provide judges to evaluate their images.
I enjoy travel, spending time with family and spending time outdoors. In addition to my photography hobby, I am a golfer and an avid cyclist

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